moving pc mp3's into iTunes library!


Hey all.

I have all my mp3's (around 250 gig) organised(by artist then album) stored on me pc, and I use pc maclan to network this to my mac ibook. i can see the files and can play the files but as I add them to the library the names change and the artist and album are forgot about. I only want to put a selection of about 10 gigs of tunes onto the iBook however renaming all those tunes albums artists ect would take a while. Any software or settings that I can play around with??

Do you have all of your music tagged properly? If so, drag & drop the folders of music you want to copy to iTunes, it will import them into your ~/Music/iTunes/ by default and organize them into folders by artist and album. Just make sure not to copy playlists... because for some reason iTunes will make duplicates of the songs in there too.

If you music isn't tagged... then I don't know what you could do to make it easy. I wouldn't recommend using MusicMatch to tag them because it seems to add spaces to fields and screws things up.
The reason you're having problems is that, like btoth said, you don't have the ID3 tags filled out. From memory, there are a number of solutions for the PC that will follow "rules" and format the tags appropriately.

Otherwise you could have a stab at writing an AppleScript that could do it for you. You'd have to tell iTunes not to take control of your Music (uncheck both the two bottom checkboxes in iTunes' advanced preferences), but it'd be a very complex script that, in iTunes, read each file's location and tagged it properl...
I'm pretty sure you could use a PC MP3 jukebox to take care of this issue, i.e. taking the information and make it clean ID3 tags before importing into iTunes...