mp3 recognition problem


Hi, I bought an Oregon mp121 waterproof mp3 player. The instructions in the book say that the MAC should recognize the player when it's plugged in a USB port and bring it up on the desktop like it would an external drive. I get nothing. The player powers up, but I don't get anything on my desktop. I opened disc utilities to see if it was recognized and I don't see it. The player didn't come with any MAC drivers or software. I spent the last two months with Oregon support and their answer was to send me a new player. I received the new player, they even upgraded it to a 1GB player but I have the same problems. Any ideas?
Did they say if it would meet your systems set up, ie MacOSX, so many MB of ram, G3, G4 etc?

What is your system, OSX? OS9 Classic or lower?

What is your computer?

Oh ok, edit here, you are in the intel Mac section, so guessing you have a inTel Mac then

The Manufacturer needs to make the drivers to work on the inTel Macs, called Univeral, they can get that information off the apple web site, unless someone knows the direct link or can pass information for what they need to do
Thanks for the reply. You may be giving me more credit then deserved when it comes to knowing my own surroundings. I may be in the Intel section but I have a G-4 running OS 10.whatever the latest update has been. The manufacture doesn't have any drivrs for MAC. Do I need to notify them that they can creat one from the location you mentioned?
I had that one. I spent two months on-line talking to the "help guy" from Oregon Scientific. His answer was to ship me the 1GB model. So now I have two that won't work with my MAC. Thanks for the reply.
Ha ha, Great idea. I have one. The problem with it is that if I try and wear it during my swim workout it won't last past the first gulp of air I take. I got this thing so I can wear it in the water but all it does is hold papers on my desk so they won't blow away.
I don't know how far we can go with this. If you've talked for months with the manufacturer, and they even went through the trouble of sending you a new one, it should have worked if it's going to work at all. The best I can tell you is to fix disk permissions and/or create a new user account to see if that does anything; make sure you have all the latest updates from Apple, make sure that your Finder is set to show USB drives (Finder:preferences:Sidebar), and make sure that your MP3 player has all it's newest firmware and is not set in a mode where hard disk recognition would fail.