Mr. Bush should be proud


He seems to have generated the largest single protest ever seen in the entire world. I'm sure the numbers will be disputed, but the fact remains that a whole lot of people stood up today and said no.
There seem to have been 110 million people protesting all over the world...
one million+ in Rome and London, half a million in Berlin, ~ 200.000 in Greece and Spain... 70.000 in Amsterdam, one of which was me :)
There were a lot of Germans, Spanish, Americans and Iraqis too. 70.000 is regarded as quite a lot here actually. The organization expected only about 50.000.
It certainly lloks like something Bush and Blair can't simply ignore and dismiss ... I hope
People that were protesting shut down Academy Boulevard here by protesting right in the street... One of the main arteries of Colorado Springs. Copters are circling over the area and police are on the scene....
Some people just don't know how to protest a war. :(
Strange as it may seem, normally you ask permission to protest and the whole thing is organized, so the police can divert traffic, extra public transportation is available, etc. Have things really gotten out of hand anywhere?
It certainly looks like something Bush and Blair can't simply ignore and dismiss ...

i only wish this were true. however i am very afraid that you are overestimating Bush's ability to see beyond his own nose and to hear anything but his own words. :(
They are several people I don't like.

Bush is not the problem, he is an elected president. The problem is the american frustration and what the Bush administration is doing with this frustration.
there are many of us who would argue that Bush wasn't elected - he took control in the midst of scandal and confusion over our voting processes. it's fact that the majority of americans did not vote for him.
What I wonder is, would Gore have taken us into war?
Let's just trust in the fact that Bush won't be running a second term. :p
Originally posted by edX
there are many of us who would argue that Bush wasn't elected - he took control in the midst of scandal and confusion over our voting processes. it's fact that the majority of americans did not vote for him.

He was elected, and if the Florida count may be discussed, this is nothing comparable to a dictature where when you don't want a president you die.

And american new who he was... the son of GB.
Originally posted by chevy
And american new who he was... the son of GB.
Our current president changed drastically from when he first started out in office. As soon as 9/11 hit, he immediately wanted to go after the people that attacked us. Soldiers are still fighting there. Now he wants to attack Iraq, completely ignoring the fact that North Korea is the bigger problem, what with its nuclear weapons which we are sure they are in possession of, and it's going to cost thousands of American soldiers' lives if he doesn't act on this imminent threat.
The fact remains that this small "threat" in Iraq is completely blindsighting Bush of the fact that North Korea's strike is imminent. We are not even 100% sure that Iraq is hiding anything. While we're wasting time over there trying to look for weapons of mass destruction, they will be used on our forces in North Korea.
Some Commander-in-Chief we have.

EDIT- Fixed some spelling mistakes and added a few things.
Originally posted by Ricky
Our current president changed drastically from when he first started out in office. As soon as 9/11 hit, he immediately wanted to go after the people that attacked us. Soldiers are still fighting there. Now he wants to attack Iraq, completely ignoring the fact that North Korea is the bigger problem, what with its nuclear weapons which we are sure they are in possession of, and it's going to cost thousands of American soldiers' lives if he doesn't act on this imminent threat.
The fact remains that this small "threat" in Iraq is completely blindsighting Bush of the fact that North Korea's strike is imminent. We are not even 100% sure that Iraq is hiding anything. While we're wasting time over there trying to look for weapons of mass destruction, they will be used on our forces in North Korea.
Some Commander-in-Chief we have.

EDIT- Fixed some spelling mistakes and added a few things.

Actually, the USA is currently the only imperialist nation in the world, and are the only ones threatening to attack other countries.

What advantages would North Korea get by nuking the USA? And what can North Korea's missiles that are able to reach approx. 180 km do against the USA's thousands of nuclear warhead capable of reaching any target in the world?

It's pretty predictable though, that Iraq isn't the last country to get bombed and invaded by the USA this year.

"I'm against bombing Iraq, we should rather slaughter some civilians in North Korea" -that's a new one.
There were at least 100,000 protesting in Melbourne, too. Its obvious that the free people of the world find the idea of war repulsive, and won't support it no matter how much the government tries to stir up our fear and resentment.

And Ricky, North Korea hasn't expressed an interest in attacking any other country in fifty years. The nuclear reactors that they have activated were built for them BY THE AMERICANS under Clinton, in order to help them overcome a national power shortage that is crippling their nation.
In fact, the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons is ... the United States! The nation with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons is ... the United States! The biggest nation to have sponsored terrorist groups to overthrow foriegn governments in the last two decades is ... the United States! (Remember, they sponsored Saddam when he was just an Iraqi terrorist trying to overthrow the government) Most of the weapons and military hardward in the middle-east comes from ... the United States!

War is repulsive, and to go to war out of fear, ambition or hatred is a blight on humanity.
When George Bush Sr. was dealing with this same issue with Iraq, he had a meeting in Kuwait. There was an attempt to harm him there, and it was directed by none other than Saddam. Now, George Bush Jr. is not only attempting to get rid of the weapons there, but also, in my opinion, he's also trying to settle a personal score with Saddam because of his attempts to harm his father.

Just remember... My opinions are worth as much as you paid for them. :D
Originally posted by Ricky

The fact remains that this small "threat" in Iraq is completely blindsighting Bush of the fact that North Korea's strike is imminent. We are not even 100% sure that Iraq is hiding anything. While we're wasting time over there trying to look for weapons of mass destruction, they will be used on our forces in North Korea.
Some Commander-in-Chief we have.

The most dangerous countries are the ones that hide what they have. N. Korea wants something. If they were really going to strike, do you think they would announce to the world that they have nuclear weapons?
Originally posted by edX
it's fact that the majority of americans did not vote for him. [/B]

when was the last time a majority of americans voted for any president? or even the majority of registered voters? it would be interesting to poll those now frustrated with the whole Iraq war scenario (admittedly an extremely frustrating thing) to see how many were moved enough to vote when they had the chance.
btw, I'm currently taking a political science class, and it is taught from the "elitist" point of view.... that being that, in a true democracy, every person votes for and discusses issues directly (however, that's inefficient, considering how many people live in the u.s.), whereas, the U.S. is actually more of a republic... we vote for people to represent us.... it was the forefathers' way of leaving the public with influence, while still giving the "elites" most of the power to make laws and such. The elitists believe that the general public doesn't always know what's best for them, and that the "elites" of the government probably know better.

Edit: This has been "Food For Thought," brought to you by AdamByte.