MS Patches "critical" flaws, Macs the solution?


Look at this article. Even though MS patches some severe security flaws in Windows, with 5 being rated "critical" and involving programs like IE, MSN and MS Word.

Yet, the girl in the picture doesn't seem too bothered. Wonder why? ;)
I'm betting it's just more typical ineptitude in reporting.

If he is a fan, he's got nothing to gain but looking stupid by doing that. Most people (who are savvy enough to see the problem) will look at it and say "these dopes don't even know a Mac from a Wintel PC". Some of us... the smart ones... will chuckle and enjoy the humor of the mistake.
Viro said:
Look at this article. Even though MS patches some severe security flaws in Windows, with 5 being rated "critical" and involving programs like IE, MSN and MS Word.

Yet, the girl in the picture doesn't seem too bothered. Wonder why? ;)
Girl, what girl Viro?
Hmm... they've removed that picture. Must have found it weird to have so many Mac browser IDs visiting the site :).
I hate being a windows admin :( -- then again no patches and no trouble to troubleshoot means no money for me - so Money heaven and windows hell - same side of the both coin :p