MSX-1 processors (Spectravideo 738) + Linux ?


Chmod 760
Staff member
Okay... This is definitelly _too_geek_for_the_other_boards_ :

I want to install Linux to my Spectravideo 738 ;)

Which distro do you suggest?


Also here and here stuff about it. It _is_ old (3,6 MHz processor!!!) but it was my first computer and .. I'd like to figure if I could use it to somethign else than only to basic and dos games. Are there out any Linux kernels out there compiled for MSX processors? :D

1984 | CPU Zilog Z80A, 3'6 MHz | MSX Basic 1.0 (ROM), ensamblador, Pascal, C, Logo y Fortran | ROM 32 Kbytes | RAM 80 Kbytes (64 Kb RAM, 16 Kb VRAM) | Graphics V9938, 16 colors, 2 mods text (80 columns / 32), 2 mods graph 256x192 / 64x32 | Audio 3 canals, 1 canal noise / 8 octaves | 1 slot for expansiom | (RCA) | VHF | cassette (DIN) | RS232, Centronics / 2 joystick. MSX
I hope I can compile Links for this if I manage to find a light Linux distro for it and its kernel.. :p