First of all a big 'thank you' to everyone for your replies. I downloaded the album from an ftp server - each song is saved in my music folder and is in document format. I have tried your various suggestions:
Quicktime - error message indicating that Quicktime cannot open a 'document'.
I tried dropping into Stuffit Expander, but nothing happens.
I read the info. on the link that Macluv suggested and maybe that's the problem - but I am not technically savvy enough to wade through the info. there, but it sounds like this album might have been on an fsp server. (Dunno if I am making sense or not - bear in mind I am technically challenged). As for the format being ASCII or binary - I am using Captain FTP and have set the preferences to "Automatic".
It has been suggested I use iTuner, but in checking it out, it looks like it only runs in OS9 (which I ditched when I installed Jag).
I have run into this in the past and the application that I used to have pre-Jag did the trick - but I just can't remember the name of it!
This problem might never be solved, but maybe this additional info. might help you to come up with the magic answer. If not, then it's 'thrash' and back to square one!
Thanks again!