

i post ed about itunes.......i don't know how to do it,but i forgot where i posted it?? i hope someone can help........sorry
ty nat. but i still can't find it.......i am trying to listen to itunes on my puter but i
don't know how to do it. i am a new puter person so its a little confusing to me.
thanks cleo.......i
i have safari, so do i now use real player?.i am lost here, i just want to play
music on the computer..... and is it free what ever way i go?.i hope i am not
making this confusing, because i am confused.......ty.cleo
"Music on the computer" is a bit vague, as there are several types of music that can be played on a computer.

The most popular are MP3/AAC files, which can be downloaded for 99¢ from the iTunes Music Store (within iTunes), or can be "created", free of charge, from CDs you already own by putting the CD in the drive, then clicking "Import" in iTunes. This kind of music is stored in files on your hard drive, so the more music you buy or "rip" (ripping is getting music off of CDs as described above), the more hard drive space you use up.

There is also "streaming music," available within iTunes from the "Radio" playlist on the left. This music, unlike the music described above, does not reside anywhere on your hard drive -- it is "streamed" to your computer, which then plays it in real-time, kind of like a radio station. Simply double-click a "stream" in the list to start listening -- no files are created on your hard drive, and when you quit iTunes or press the "Stop" button, the music stops and you're all done.

Stick with iTunes and ditch RealPlayer, unless you encounter a streaming radio station on the internet that you really enjoy that only supports RealPlayer.
cleo said:
i have safari, so do i now use real player?.i am lost here, i just want to play music on the computer.....

and is it free what ever way i go?.

i hope i am not
making this confusing, because i am confused.......ty.cleo

You are confused, that's okay, but you're asking more than one question in "rattle off" fashion so it's hard to help you. I'll do what I can, though. :)

1. You need iTunes to play music. Download music to your computer's USERS/"your user folder"/MUSIC/iTunes/Music. Or just access the itunes music store through your iTunes program and start buying music at $1/song. You have to register first, though. Apple does a good job at walking you through it.

2. Forget about RealPlayer unless you are streaming music from a website. It is usally integrated into your browser anyway so you won't need it to just play music on your computer.

3. Now about it being free wherever you go, the answer is NO. iTunes charges you per song. Don't get started downloading music for free because many times it's illegal (even though many people would try to tell you otherwise). I'm not in favor of record companies suing people for it, though. Besides, the artists deserve the money! :)

4. If you want, you can just play music in iTunes by clicking on the "Radio" link in the left hand column and searching through the folders based on genre of music you're into. Then you can stream music to your computer--internet connection required, though.

Hope that helps!
ok i have my itunes , now how do i keep it in the dock area?.thanks for all your help.
you all have been great, and to put up with me. i am a new computer person and i
am getting brave and trying to check things out myself, but i know i can come here
when i have a problem. so ty...........cleo
Well done! Just find your Applications folder, click and drag the icon (without letting go) to your dock. You can move icons around in the dock by clicking once, and dragging without letting go (don't move your cursor off the dock) move up and down. You can see the icons shift to accept the icon you're moving to that new location.

Cool, eh?!

thank you NATOBASSO, it worked and is on the dock, you all are great. i know my
problems are simple compared to others, so thanks for taking the time to help me.
......and yes very cool.......thanks again. cleo