my G4 has decided to go to sleep at random!


Hi All,

My G4 1.42ghz has decided to go to sleep every now and again without anything telling it to! Well I've found nothing obvious that could be doing it - I've checked the schedule tab in preferences in energy saver and I've checked to see if I have a corner of the screen set to put it to sleep but when testing that nothing happened. Today it's gone to sleep at 3:21pm and 4:12pm. This is during operation (I've only seen it happen while I'm using it)

Any ideas or things to check?

Thanks in advance,

Just did it again at 4:25pm when I was trying to access a filemaker file via an airport network. The other two times it's happened today I wasn't doing non-network related things.
What settings do you have in Energy Saver?

Also, are you using a USB hub or any other USB devices other than the keyboard and mouse? Are you using Apple's keyboard and mouse, or something different?
In energy saver I have 3 tabs: Sleep, Schedule and Options
Sleep tab has times for putting the computer to sleep and the display to sleep when inactives for...etc
Schedule tab has times for starting up and shutdown/sleep
Options has 4 tick boxs: Wake when the modem detects a ring (off), wake for ethernet network administrator access (on), allow power button to sleep the computer (on) and restart automatically after a power failure (off).

I'm not using a USB hub, I connect to an airport network. I'm using the standard apple keyboard and mouse that came with the computer.
If you have your "Hot Corners" set with your Screen Saver then if you move the mouse to one of the four corners of your screen your computer will go to screen save mode. Not exactly sleep, but close.

You may have your computer set to sleep at 15 minutes. Check to see how long it takes for your computer to turn off.

Depending on how old your computer is, you might need to replace your motherboard battery in your computer.
I don't know if energy saving adjustments are dependant on the user account. But maybe it's possible for you to setup a new user account and see if you have the same issues working on the fresh one.
Just happened then at 2:36pm

I'm not sure what I could have done to make this happen. My settings in energy saver are set so that the computer never goes to sleep and the display never goes to sleep, it's set to NOT put the hard disk to sleep whenever possible, I have nothing set up in schedule and I said above what I have checked in the options tab.