Need a new monitor shell; where can I find one?


I cracked the top half of my PowerBook's monitor shell. Everything still works fine, but the crack is kinda unsightly. If you guys can point me towards some place that I might be able to get a new shell, I'd appreciate it.
Yeah, I was an idiot and bumped the thing into a railing. :rolleyes: The irony is that I'd been planning to go to the Apple Store today to buy a hard case for it.

But the Powerbook is only a week old, so it's still under warranty, though I'm pretty sure there's no liability where a clumsy user is concerned.
Heh, I just got off the phone with the Apple Store down here. Six hundred bucks is what they told me for the top case. I find that hard to believe since that would be roughly a quarter of what I paid for the entire computer, brand new.
Ugh, it's the G4 and no, I don't have a picture. But it's a pretty big crack, right down the left side of the case. I don't know how the screen managed to survive, but if I have to live with a cracked case, I suppose I can deal.
The reason for the high replacement coast is because it is new. If the crack is really bad, you might want to think about saving up for the replacement.