Need a weird software!

The Doctor

Loads of werid things are made for the Mac lol :)

I was wondering does anyone know where I can get a Hack or a program to make Office not have "gaps" and to have a greay "background .. Because I keep clicking out of office! And Like it, like it is in Windows ... shhh I never said that!
You might want to explain a little more about what 'gaps' are, why they cause you a problem.
You can make a Word document 'full screen', but there will still be desktop space around that window.
Fortunately, Mac OS X is not Windows, and one of the design objectives is that full-screen use is not a normal occurrence on the Mac, so you should expect that clicking somewhere on the desktop (through the 'gaps') will take you to the desktop (actually the Finder)
Maybe it would help if you used Word, and other Office apps with keyboard shortcuts. Most commands can be done from the keyboard, so you can keep your hands off the mouse, and no more 'falling in the gaps' :)
lol and yea, Glad it aint windows, but very few Mac Apps have grey to make the screen "complete" and not clickable to the Finder or another app. And I would like to have it all closed up :)
Apple-Option-H hides all other windows, so that if you do have other programs running, they won't show up if you click out (Finder will open if you click the desktop, so close all Finder windows).

The only program that I know of that will act "full-screen" is Photoshop..
Mac OS should have been Called Windows lol, As Lets say Word, Is in one Window and the toolbars are insidethe window but on Mac OS X they are sepearte windows and this is very annyoing, But if they got rid of that then it would be great :)
You can drag the toolbars around in Word, and they'll "lock" together. Drag the document around a bit, hide the dock (Apple-Option-H), and you've got full-screen word.
OS X is not just Windows without the spyware ;)

It's a completely different system, and you're going to keep running into things like this unless you accept it as that, and not just a "good" Windows. Once you accept it for what it is, you can really see it's brilliance.
I think you misunderstood a bit, I LOVE MAC OS X ... I mean at 14, I made my choice it is the OS I want to use and show off (off topic: I get teased for having a Mac and use the Porn + Viruis Joke :) )

But... It is something I will have to get used to, as I do know some programs that use the "one window" System.
um, does anyone remember the "simple finder" of days gone by? i believe that os x has such a thing, and would fix the dr.'s problems. does anyone know how to set it up? i'm at work without any macs, so i couldn't tell him how till i get home tonight.
I don't belive the problem is within the Finder it is the program. If the program could be hacked, then that would be the program sorted you see.

P.S The Finder is great, better then Windows Xplr.
no, what i mean by simple finder is that once you launch an application, that is the only thing there is. by clicking in the background, it will not jump to the finder, or any other app behind it. it will stay only in the app that you are using. its a great tool for helping window users and new users to get used to the mac way.
The simple finder is still present in Mac OSX, though I've never really used it so I can't vouch for its effectiveness. If you setup a new user account in System Preferences -> Accounts, then go into "Parental Controls" and select "Finder & System: Configure" there is an option for Simple Finder still there.

Still, I think your best bet is just to try and break yourself of the Windows habit of expecting every application to use up 100% of the screen. Mac users have learned to expect their applications to use up only the space they need, and its a habit of 20 years with quite a few benefits, so its not changing anytime soon.