Need Help on my imac G5


hey guys, first of all i'm sorry if this is a wrong section coz i'm new and this is my first thread here.

i searching for answer of my imac G5 OS upgrade from Tiger 10.4 to Leopard 10.5, if that possible?

i'm new with mac actually, this is my first mac machine i get from someone with very cheap price, without harddrive, ram and keyboard. but i manage to install and upgrade the hardware by myself, and also able to setup mac os x tiger 10.4 ( after struggle few day headache to create the partition ). for the first time i thought there was prob with leopard dvd that i brought or maybe the dvd-rom not function but then i reallize it's not compatible with my imac G5 when i read an article bout imac G5

*This model is capable of using MacOS 9 applications within the MacOS X "Classic" environment provided with MacOS X 10.4.11 "Tiger" and lower ("Classic" is not supported starting with MacOS X 10.5 "Leopard").

it takes me 2 week to complete from A to Z working with this G5. Now the problem is, no new software for mac os x in the market compatible with this Tiger 10.4, i brought a few software but that all need atleast leopard 10.5 arghhh..... i'm headache again... to find mac os x tiger also quite difficult untill i need to download it from internet and now headache with all the software not supported

it's been a long time i dream to have my own mac, but never tought it will so difficult to learn it haha...

anyway guys.... i know there alot of mac masta here, so pls... give me some advice or solution how can i upgrade my imac G5 10.4 to leopard 10.5 if possible. here is my imac spec,

Proc : powerPC 970 G5
Speed : 2.0Ghz
Ram : 1.5Gb
Hdd : 500GB
O.S : 10.4 Tiger

Thanks in advance
You are misinterpreting that 'Classic' note. Classic is an OS X environment that allows you to run really old software that needs Mac OS 9 to run. If you don't have any really old software (from before 2001, for example), then you also don't need Classic, and your Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) will run just fine without that.

Your iMac g5 will be fine with 10.5
Just insert that 10.5 installer, and reboot while holding the C key.
Follow the instructions to upgrade.
After that completes and your iMac has restarted with the new 10.5 system, run your Software Update until you are fully up-to-date.
You are misinterpreting that 'Classic' note. Classic is an OS X environment that allows you to run really old software that needs Mac OS 9 to run. If you don't have any really old software (from before 2001, for example), then you also don't need Classic, and your Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) will run just fine without that.

Your iMac g5 will be fine with 10.5
Just insert that 10.5 installer, and reboot while holding the C key.
Follow the instructions to upgrade.
After that completes and your iMac has restarted with the new 10.5 system, run your Software Update until you are fully up-to-date.

thanks for replying deltamac, last night i tried again to install the 10.5 but still unsuccesful. after insert the installer reboot and holding the C key, it just stuck at apple logo. what should i do, do i need to upgarde my os x to 10.4.11 first? then upgrade to 10.5?
If the 10.5 installer is a normal commercial installer DVD (Black label, and not grey), it should boot the system, and does not need any other software updates before you begin the install.
What does your 10.5 installer show on the label?

How long did you wait for the boot? Starting with a DVD might take a little longer, maybe a couple of minutes - but could also take much longer. Try giving it 20 minutes to see if anything else will happen. You can also shut your iMac off, then (with that Leopard installer still in the drive) press and release the power button, then immediately hold the Option key on the keyboard. You should see your hard drive, and also the OS X Install disk as choices. Click on the install icon, then click on the right-facing arrow. Again, give it time to do something.
If the 10.5 installer is a normal commercial installer DVD (Black label, and not grey), it should boot the system, and does not need any other software updates before you begin the install.
What does your 10.5 installer show on the label?

How long did you wait for the boot? Starting with a DVD might take a little longer, maybe a couple of minutes - but could also take much longer. Try giving it 20 minutes to see if anything else will happen. You can also shut your iMac off, then (with that Leopard installer still in the drive) press and release the power button, then immediately hold the Option key on the keyboard. You should see your hard drive, and also the OS X Install disk as choices. Click on the install icon, then click on the right-facing arrow. Again, give it time to do something.

Yes, the installer is a normal black color commercial DVD, is there any possible that the DVD spoil? or maybe i didn't give enough time for the system to boot up the leopard, coz i just wait for a few minutes only.

Thanks again DeltaMac, i really appreciate your help, i will try again today and follow your instruction, maybe i'm still not doing it in the right way. i will update the result with you tomorrow.
. . . or maybe i didn't give enough time for the system to boot up the leopard, coz i just wait for a few minutes only.

That is probably it. To my recollection, on my Widdle Mac Pismo years ago, it took like nearly 20 minutes. I, too, kept rebooting assuming something was wrong.

That is probably it. To my recollection, on my Widdle Mac Pismo years ago, it took like nearly 20 minutes. I, too, kept rebooting assuming something was wrong.


i see.... so i guess maybe i'm still not doing it rite, i'm gonna try this again today and try wait longer than before. thanks guys.. i'll let u all know the result tomorrow.