Need something with similar features to Dreamweaver


I'm awesome...seriously..
So I've been using Dreamweaver for 5+ years now. Not so much for the laying elements out (I only use the code view), but for features such as inserting elements like tables, forms, etc and for how it can "manage sites." All of things just make me more productive. The problem comes with the FTP feature in Dreamweaver. Plain and simple it just sucks. It's rediculously slow compared to a program like Transmit. I willing to ditch Dreamweaver completely but don't really know what else is out there that has the features I like such as inserting elements, syntax highlighting, and site management. So, any suggestions would be fantastic.
Hmm... Well. I have used several programs over the years and I think Dreamweaver is the best of the bunch. It towers over GoLive in power and reliability IMHO.

But, honestly, why not continue to use DW (I assume you are using the latest) and manually FTP the files when you are ready if the speed bothers you.

I have been using it quite often for putting files on servers when doing web projects and never had a problem with the speed.

You could however, get yourself a Classic copy of PageMill/SiteMill, cheap and very simple to use, SiteMill manages sites as you wanted.

After using Transmit, it's hard to use anything else for FTP, even if it means dropping out of DW to do a transfer. I realize it takes extra steps but if you makes you happy, why mess with happiness.

There are other HTML editors out there but most of them to me are clunky. Which is why I have stuck to BBEdit and DreamWeaver.

If you do find something you like, let us know!
i agree, DW ftp is so slow and I hate it that you cant transfer in bg while you work. I only use DW ftp to synchronize and captain ftp for my actual transfers. its not worth the hassle in my work flow to change to a new app at the moment. maybe MX2005 is on the horizon?
Pardus said:
i agree, DW ftp is so slow and I hate it that you cant transfer in bg while you work. I only use DW ftp to synchronize and captain ftp for my actual transfers. its not worth the hassle in my work flow to change to a new app at the moment. maybe MX2005 is on the horizon?
I have heard that the next version of DW will supposedly have some stout features but FTP is (and has always been) my biggest complaint with it.