need to import .emlx files into Imail


I accidentally exported all emails containing a client's name from a smart folder into a 'real' folder. Now they are just sitting in the folder with no distinction between sent, read, responded, action, etc. There are 4000 of them. How can I reimport them into their original correct spot in Imail? If that is not possible, how can I just import them into a mail folder so I can open and reply in mail?

Any help is much appreciated. I saw this post but am afraid to try it as I don't understand the renaming process and am afraid I'll overwrite my other emails:

Thread is a bit old, but since Google
port-emlx-files.html#> popped it up rather high in the results, I thought
I'd share what I did to directly import .emlx message:

* Quit Mail;
* Placed my .emlx message into the wanted mailbox (Inbox, Sent, Draft)
under ~/Library/Mail/POP-myemailaddress/ ;
* Renamed the .emlx message to 999999.emlx to avoid possible conflicts;
* Opened Mail;
* Selected said mailbox in Mail;
* Selected menu Mailbox->Rebuild;

That's it. After rebuild, which took a minute or two (large mailbox),
message was there. In the Library folder, I could also see that it was
renamed by the index rebuild process.