Netinfo manager


In my netinfo manager a I noticed in the list of users that there were several other users. I should be the only user on my computer. Is there some way someone hacked there way into my computer?
I imagine I should delete these users?
Yah you were probably hacked. I would immediatly delete the following users

you probably want to delete these too

Delete all those than reboot your computer....let us know what happens :D
What a nice thing to tell a n00b.
OK, I realise you were joking, but he might not know better and follow your instructions.

The extra users are users that background processes run under. You'll see users like nobody, www, etc. These usually have little or no privileges on your computer, and they are specifically created like that. The reason they are there, is to provide a safe environment for things to run in. The www user for example is usually used for running Apache's httpd processes.

If one of the processes running under thes low-privileged accounts goes nuts, it can't damage your system.

So, the users are there for a reason. Don't delete them if you want to keep using your computer :p
Ouch! A NooB.
Been a Mac user since 95. There are some areas I am very strong in, and some areas I'm very weak. I am very profficnet with OS9. X just has alot of new things I need to learn.

Thanks for the info. Your help was much appreciated.
By n00b I mean to OS X just because you weren't familiar with Netinfo and the OS X users. No offence was intended ;)

Anyways, glad I could be of some help. Anymore questions, don't be afraid to ask.

I, myself am an "intermediate" OS X user. I know *some* about OS X's underlying UNIX, but I'm no expert. :p