"network settings have been changed by another application" keeps popping up



does anyone know this?

I'm getting a message every time I open Network in System Preferences saying "Your network settings have been changed by another application". I click OK, and the box goes away and immediately comes back. It means I cannot use the Network part of System Preferences at all, because this message is caught in some kind of loop, and won't go away.
Thanks for the comments guys. I found out that its actually a tiger bug that apple has not provided a fix/patch yet. Too bad. its not my problem though, its for my friend.Thanks! more power to both of you!
Have you applied all system updates available in Software Update, as well as brought your system up to 10.4.11 (the highest revision thus far)?
Copied from Apple Discussion (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1730909&tstart=120), the following resolved this issue:
Go to Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration and delete the following (suggest make copies to the desktop first if in doubt):


All these files will regenerate as necessary when the associated system features are accessed. If you're using Airport or Internet Sharing you'll have to reestablish the appropriate settings, because these will have been lost when the preferences files are removed.
Also, be sure the user knows their wireless network settings before moving any files as they may need to recreate this information.Hope this helps!