New Apple monitor/TV?


Hey ya'll,
I've been seeing an interesting new Apple monitor in magazines and on the net, but I can't really find any info on what it is, is it for sale, tech specs, etc. I'm attaching a picture so that you all have an idea of what I'm talking about...


  • lakesidepromo.jpg
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looks like the rumoured new Apple Cinema screens. They are not out yet, and it's not sure they will look this way. We'll have to wait - at least - till the WWDC.
but is it really anything in the rumours about the new displays being TV's aswell? will they include a tuner?

would have been way cool to have a 23" or 30" in the bedroom wich also could be used as a normal television-set. *adding to wishlist* :)

Looks nice. Since the G5s came out I've been waiting for an Apple LCD to match the metallic look, currently using a Samsung 213T.
Hopefully they come out with a thinner bevel and maybe a NeXT style frog foot design.
definitley a rendition. look at the shadow on the g5. also: the shadow of the display is basically the top of the g5, only faded.
I've been yelling for a 30" cinema display for a long time now, and I think that it will be coming at WWDC, redesigned!

I can't wait!
That has got to be one of the most attractive displays I've ever seen. That setup is so, so, SO sellable - imagine two of those babies side-by-side!
Actually, there's one thing missing and that is for the display to be able to be adjusted, perhaps the metal frame on an arm similar to the iMac.
alexandr said:
but is it really anything in the rumours about the new displays being TV's aswell? will they include a tuner?

would have been way cool to have a 23" or 30" in the bedroom wich also could be used as a normal television-set. *adding to wishlist* :)


I think I may have started that rumor. I just said things were heading that direction. All we use TVs for now is to display a signal from one place or another. Already, there are Flat Panel LCD "TVs" in stores. I just figure on Apple moving into this space soon, and, in my mind, Airport Express confirms my suspicions.
That's a pic from I just love them designs. I think the metal look is nice when compared to the G5, but how many ppl actually have their G5 right next to their monitor in front of them? I like the G5 look, but I just don't want a computer up on my desktop like that. A metal monitor like that just doesn't look right all by itself in my opinion.