New iBook RAM problem.


Hey all. Im goign to be getting a new iBook through the ADC Hardware Discount program but dont have much to spend. Im getting the 800mhz iBook 12.1inch screen and was wondering if 384 megs of ram is good enough. Is 640MB really all that much better than 384? I have half a gig in my PC and i dont ever go over 300, but i know UNIX likes its memory...Will I get by with 384 and have good speed?
As a owner and user of such equipment --- I say if you can afford it 99 bucks ( then get the 512 Jag will use it all
Will you get by? Sure. Will you wish you had more? Yup. What will you do with that 256 you bought when you get a 512? I dunno.
what are the ram configurations for new ibooks?

Are there two slots and is one of them soldered?

Could i just get the cheapest memory configuration from Apple and then but two 512MB or two 1GB RAM sticks or is there a limit on how much you can have on each slot...?
feh 99 is too much, go to ive ordered all my ram there, and so has my school, we have yet to run into any problems. Its Bobb certified ;)

and yes max out the ram, its well worth the 75 dollars