No dashboard on dock or in applications

Diane Temple

Maybe I'm searching for the wrong thing, but since my dashboard was missing from my dock, I went to applications to look for it. I can't find it. Is it actually called dashboard, or should I be looking for something else.
Try using "spotlight" and do a search for it; it will tell you if you have it and where it it is on computor.
You could also use the function key that calls it - F12 on some Macs, F4 on some... if you can't find it, go to System Preferences and set the key you want to use for it.
When I search my applications, I'm finding NO dashboard. It only brings up "dashboard keyboard shortcut", "restrict applications", and "mouse buttons". I checked and from what I can tell, there are no restrictions. But when I use the F12 function key it brings my dashboard up. I don't get it. Why does it come up with F12, but can't find it in applications. I'd like my dashboard to be back on my dock. Thanks for your help
That's really strange.

Have you tried looking in spotlight?! (that little magnifying glass icon on the top right corner in the menu bar) Dashboard should be in your applications folder, but you may have moved it somewhere else...

Also, sometimes (at least in my case) the applications folder gets disorganised and all the icons are all over the place, so try clean up and arrange by name and it might come out(?!)

Hope that helps!
Yes, used spotlight to search and as I noted before, it only brings up "dashboard keyboard shortcut", "restrict applications", and "mouse buttons". I couldn't figure out how to "clean up" but since the applications are already listed in alphabetical order, not sure it would make a difference, anyway. Why can't I find dashboard using spotlight, even though it opens by selecting F12? I'd really like to get it back on my dock. Thanks for your help.