Notification email from OSX Root


Hey everyone.

I get these notification emails from our OSX server regarding disk usage. I want to modify how these notifications are made and where they are sent but I have yet been unable to find the options.

I have tried RAID admin, server admin, ical and disk util.

It is addressed from not system admin which most of the other email options i have found mention.

Subject: Disk Full Notification for XServe RAID 1TB on sydneyosxsvr.local (7.91%XServe RAID 1TBfree)

Body: The volume XServe RAID 1TB on sydneyosxsvr.local is running out of free space.
It has only 73.66 GB (7.91%XServe RAID 1TB free.

Google was not much help. How do i check to see if there is a crontab running these checks? They happen at the same time every day. 1:39 PM