Ordinal number symbols in OS X?


I am aghast at the plethora of special characters available in OS X. However, I cannot seem to locate the ordinal number symbols. I would like to find a single character that would make a cardinal number be an ordinal number. For example, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. I would like them, obviously, to be superscript and small but not lilliputian. I would like these characters to be compatible with the Address Book and also with my iPhone. I tried typing it out in Microsoft Word but when I cut and pasted into address book it lost the superscript quality.

Please help!!

Maybe not what you were after, bet you can insert fractions from the Character Palette. In the System Preferences, under the International settings, tick the box next to the Character Palette to make it available in the menu bar in the Finder. Also make sure the 'Show input menu in menu bar' box is ticked. Now when you are in a document, simply place the cursor at the insertion point, click the Input menu (the little flag) and select 'Show Character Palette'. From the left menu, choose 'Numbers and Number Symbols' and scroll down a bit to find fractions. Select the one you want and click Insert in the bottom right corner to insert the fraction in your document. This fraction is one character and copy/paste-able.