Os 10.4.1 With Java & Quicktime Problems


After installing upgrading from 10.4 to 10.4.1 on my 12-inch Powerbook, I discovered that after opening Safari and trying to open a Quicktime movie, Safari would hang and then quit because Quicktime would not open. The same was true while trying to open a site containing a Java applet (I'm not sure if I'm using that term correctly -- it was a game on Yahoo that had a coffee cup showing.)

I reinstaleld 10.4.1 and tried to reinstall Quicktime 7 with no luck.

Any suggestions? -- Paul
I haven't had problems with 10.4.1 and Java/Quicktime on my Powerbook. Have you done the usual maintainance routines like fixing drive permissions?

You might also want to create a new user account to test and see if the problem persists when you log in as that user (Do _not_ delete your current account!). This allows you to try and localize the problem.