OS X security test failing: port 0 and port 1 in OS X cannot be made stealth



When I portscan my computer from the Shields Up website, I receive a "failure" message showing I have only "closed" ports 0 and 1 and not "stealth". All my other ports are fine ("stealth"). It seems impossible to overcome this by adding rules in ipfw to close ports 0 and 1, this doesn´t make any difference and the ports only remain "closed". I wonder if this is a security failure in OS X. I use Jaguar latest version. Firewall internal ipfw manually configured with firewall.conf file.
Well, what it looks like is a closed port won't give anything away except *maybe* the info on the process running through it, if anything. And because there aren't many services that run on port 1 or zero, I don't think you will have too much trouble. Try using nmap to scan your computer (use or your ip address), it is a widely used network analysis tool and probably a little more stoked then shields up.