Palm conduit for Entourage X finally released!


Senior Member & Tech Guru
OK, so it's not April 1st YET but I thought I'd do an early "April Fool's" joke to prove a point ...

Every few hours (or days) come back to this thread simply to see how many of you have VIEWED this thread. My guess is that alot of people will view this thread (whether they post or not). Why?

Because I cannot believe that I am alone in wondering what the heck is taking Microsoft so long to release the Palm conduit for Entourage X.

If all of you also sent Microsoft an email asking what is up, perhaps they would move a little quicker. God knows I've been bugging them about it; how about you?

I am sorry to let you down by my misleading thread heading but ask yourself this question: did you get excited at the sight of that single line of text? If the answer is YES(!) then you are just like me -- yearning for the day that this statement is true! Help me enlighten Microsoft: if they had their way, we'd all be PocketPC users on Wintel machines (since we can't really use those PDAs either right now). Just in case Microsoft is being sneaky by not releasing the conduit (to take people's desire for Palm away) please express your frustration (and foreshadowing anger) at Microsoft for their delay -- tell them you won't buy Entourage X or Office X until it has the conduit!!
tell them you won't buy Entourage X or Office X until it has the conduit!! I've already bought Office v.X.

Seriously though, I can understand MS not wanting to release the conduit until Palm gets their end finished. Once the Palm software is out of beta, I think you'll see MS get on the ball pretty quickly. They've already committed to it.

In the meantime, you can give QueSynch's Entourage conduit a go. It's a b8 I believe, and most people have (limited) success with it.

Me? I'm waiting for the real thing. I actually even removed the Palm X software, since the last installation hosed my OS X system. Now that OS X has become my main production OS, I tend to shy away from betas now that mess with the guts of the system...