I've been sort of contentedly limping along on my mickey mouse G3 iBook running OS 10.3.9, but with a vague feeling I'm still in the middle ages. I really don't know what I'm missing, or if I'm missing anything. I'd appreciate some comments, the kind that might motivate me to modernize or stay put. Would moving up to Tiger be more trouble than its worth, or is Panther sophisticated enough for a guy who has no interest in photos, games, or music. I use my machine almost exclusively for research projects.
Having become up to here with Comcast, and with no DSL in my area, I'm back with dial-up. If I thought Tiger would speed me up a little, I'd install it in a minute.
Having become up to here with Comcast, and with no DSL in my area, I'm back with dial-up. If I thought Tiger would speed me up a little, I'd install it in a minute.