Panther/Tiger max hard size size


Hi all

I have a G4 400MHz and I've just bought 200gig hard drive.

when I put it in the OS tells me it's only 140 or 160 (can't remeber which)

How do I get it to recognise it as a 200 gig.

I'm currently running Panther 10.3.8. I have bought Tiger 10.4 but have not installed it yet because there is not an update yet for Protools 6.9 LE yet (soon I hope). If I upgrade to Tiger will it see it as a 200 gig drive?

Any ideas?

Correct - all G4 models up until the Quicksilver series have an IDE controller on the motherboard which will only recognise up to 128GB of any drive. At the time of manufacture these G4 towers supported the biggest HD you could get - 140GB (or was it 136GB?). Eitherway, the only way you are going to get your Mac to recognise the full 200GB of the drive is by A) installing a PCI ATA controller, or B) changing the motherboard, or C) getting a Quicksilver or later G4. Personally i wouldn't worry about it - it just gives you a bigger incentive to get a better/faster Mac!!!
The Quicksilvers still have the 137GB limitation. You'll need a MDD G4 at the least to utilize the full capacity of the hard drive (or an ATA PCI card).
I'm not quite sure what i'm looking for....PCI IDE controller card....yeah?

I'm in the UK....I found a few on ebay but they say they are for PC, will they work in my mac?

also...I thought my drives where ATA not IDE. are they the same or am I wrong?

ATA - IDE same drives. Check the link I posted and you'll see the cards. It has to be a Mac card. Don't buy a card for a PC.
Thanks.....I looked at the pic of the cards and they have smaller connectors for smaller cables off the do they plug into the drive i have with the standard milti pin connector. do they come with cables that go from the small to the larger ones.

Sorry for the stupid question :(
