PC-PDA-Mac interworking


I am still looking for the optimal PDA solution, I need the following functionality

Synch a PDA with a PC (Win NT) at work via cradle
Synch a PDA with my new iMac (OSX) at home via Airport or Bluetooth

All three machines need to have the exact same synchronised data and I don't want to change settings for every synchronisation over and over again.

Is anybody running this setup and successfully managing to do the above? If not, what do you think will be the odds that I will be able to do so some time soon?

I recently swithed from a W2000 laptop to an Imac G4. My biggest downturn at the moment is that all my Palm functionalities I had on Windows are all gone, except for the Palm Desktop itself. Reason for that is the slowness of the software houses to produce an OSX version of their Palm 4.x/Mac Desktop software.
For example Avantgo and Dataviz.com are stating that it will take at least untill fall this year to come up with a compatible version for OSX. Ofcourse there are some tricks (downgrading your Palm OS version or using Mac OS 9) but if you definetly wanna use OSX (like me) you have to wait a while.

Patience, my friend, patience...
