pdf newbee: probl "save as" pdf


I made a poster to present some research results the other day in PowerPoint. The company where I print the poster only have PCs and they want the document in pdf-format. I have Adobe Acrobat 6, Distiller and PDF-printer in the PrintCenter. I use OSX 10.3.5, iMac 17”. Office X, all updates. I want to save a file that is 120 cm wide and 90 cm high. In PP I make new paper format with these settings in the print option menu. I also set the option ”fit document to paper size” in the PP menu in printer options.
Problem: When I use the OSX built in ”save file” in the print menu it looks pretty good. The problem is that the page consists of a large white paper of the right size with a smaller, and the actual poster is maybee ¼ of the white paper size. The poster has horizontal direction as it should, but the white paper, ie the total poster area is vertical.
When I use Distiller the same thing happens: a large white paper, this time horizontal with a small part, 1/4, with the actual poster. In distiller I have set the right paper size also.
Does anyone have a clue how to fix this? I have tried to change all the settings with no luck.


i prepared research poster in office x with no problems... now i'using office 2004, but it seems having no major differences in that menu... you have to set custom in the menu at the beginning, then everything to orizzontal...have you tried without selecting 'fit document....'? have you checked also the options in the low-right corner?
Thanks for your reply, yes I have tried to mark and unmark those options. If I open the poster in Apple Preview it looks good. In the info menu it has the right total area. But when I zoom out so I see the poster and then choose the rectangular marking square in Preview and make a random rectangle, a large area beyond the poster is seen, ie the total poster area. this is not seen otherwise Please try this. Shure the ones who print posters crop this away and enlarge the poster, but I want to make it right.
Did you try OpenOffice ? on my Mac it does better pdf than MS Office.
You can print the pdf directly from PowerPoint and bypass Distiller altogether, but I recommend you print/save to a postscript file from your Powerpoint, then rip that through the Distiller at PDF/x1a format. It will catch any errors and log them to a .txt file if it finds any. It won't rip the doc if it finds any errors.

Make sure you have no hidden data on the outside edge of your powerpoint pres.
Thanks, maybee Illustrator might be better, but PP works fine regarding the lay-out, drawing, graphs etc. I have tried to print to .eps, but the problem is still there. Have any of you tried to look at a poster (or some other large doc) in Preview with the marking box, to really see the size? If you don't do that, you wont notice the probl.
I have checked and have no hidden data outside the edge.
I'll give Open Office a try.

The pdf you are trying to create is going through your printer settings, and most likely your printer cannot "print" the size you are asking it for. Your PPD should be "Acrobat PDF" not your printer, I think.

Also, create a pdf with the lowest version you can; Acrobat pdf 4 is usually best; most printers, even those using pcs, should be able to use your file.

Don't "Fit to Page" because then your poster won't print at the size you created it.
You need to also be aware you can set your paper for "portrait" or "landscape". If your doc is more horizontal, you need to use "landscape" in Page Set Up.