PDF problem on dual G5


Pixel Hustler
I bought a dual 2Ghz G5 in january and since I first got it I've had problems reading PDF files in browsers. The browsers use quicktime to display the PDF and so only the first page appears with no controls available. I even have Acrobat Professional which alerts me whenever I launch it that the internet isn't setup correctly to view PDF's, it asks me if it should correct this, I click YES but nothing is fixed. I even tried creating a custom file helper in IE but to no avail. Anyone know a solution?
Veljo said:
Does just downloading the PDF and then viewing it separately work?

Yes. I can setup the browser so it opens the PDF in Acrobat Pro, but it would be nice to view PDF's in the browser since Apple claims OS X major feature is overwhelming support for PDF and is it's main file format. I can;t understand why Safari doesn't support it altogether. Seems stupid
Yeah I agree it's pretty stupid.

But you might have to just bare with opening them separately till you find a solution :rolleyes: