Peerless woes!


... yes it's really me!
Has anyone had any problems with Peerless 20gb drives?

I currently have 2 and both are unusable. The first (USB) has a Peerless cartridge permanently stuck in it (I cannot remove it no matter what I do) and the second (Firewire) devoutly refuses to do anything when a cartridge is inserted other than click for about a minute and then ... nothing.

Can anyone suggest anything to help? Does anyone know how to take the unit apart (in order to attempt to extract my 'stuck' cartridge)?

I really don't want to have to purchase yet another one. However, if I do, it will only be to enable removal of data from current cartridges and transfer to a more stable system - any ideas? I need security, thus it must be encrypted.
I have now half-solved the 'cartridge stuck' problem. When I retract the cartridge and holder from the base mount, I can then manually (via a paper clip in the bottom back entry hole) eject the cartridge. Now my Peerless system is usable, but it always needs this manual ejection!