phone... ghz/mhz

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New Rhapsody User
I just bought a new phone. it is 2.4 ghz! It is faster than my Mac! It must be using a Pentium. just kidding. the ghz and mhz on a phone is the distance it can go. I was wondering if anyone has a phone that can go farther than that? Not cell phones. just regular cordless phones.
Don't be so sad. We all know that even if Macs are slower, they are better. :D

"It's the OS that matters." - xoot
It has been reported that Sony just came out with a 2.53 ghz cordless phone. :( stupid stupid thread. why did I make this ?
To take up space on the MacOSX server, of course! :)

Wait a minute... it's the OS that matters... so what OS is the phone using? If it's Sony, it'd have to be Windows... :(
I would buy a cell phone if apple made one. But I hate the internet on your phone idea. It kills design. It is like going back to the stone age of web design.

Anysh^&... the clock speed of a phone is the rate at which it broadcasts information... the faster you can broadcast, the more packets per second you can resend to get the correct information to the base in time to be transmitted through the phone network. So... more accurately... the speed of a phone more directly affects the robustness of the voice signal it can send.

So now you know... and knowing is half the battle.
actually, don't those figures relate to the frequency of the carrier signal and not the bandwidth? If so, then it has not (or very little) effect on the data throughput.

Normal landlines have a bandwidth mesured in kHz (going back to school now - could have changed recently, but not much?) for voice. 2.5Ghz sounds a bit high for me.

If the velocity of a wave = Frequency * wavelength then:

wavelength = velocity / frequency.

velocity = speed of light (3*10^8 m/s)
frequency = 2.5 * 10^9 (Gigahertz) (of carrier)

this makes the wavelength about 0.1m, which is about right - very long microwaves or short wave radio. All that is needed in a household situation.
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
I would buy a cell phone if apple made one.
Cell phone... hmm, I've heard that term before.... Oh yeah, the little device which gives you cancer while you're crashing your car. :)
I would buy a cell phone if apple made one

This reminds me of a time when a friend of mine stuck an Apple sticker on his snowboard, which happened to have a some apple like graphics on it. Someone quite seriously asked him when Apple started making snowboards, and where could they get one.

I would buy a snowboard if Apple made one

Originally posted by nkuvu

Cell phone... hmm, I've heard that term before.... Oh yeah, the little device which gives you cancer while you're crashing your car. :)

Well spake!:D
Originally posted by nkuvu

Cell phone... hmm, I've heard that term before.... Oh yeah, the little device which gives you cancer while you're crashing your car. :)

You are right :) People should not eat while driving either.