PHP 4.3 in Panther?


In 10.2 Jaguar Apple installed PHP 4.1.2.

I'm starting to run into various annoyances by not having PHP 4.3 and I'm trying to convince myself to be paitient and wait for 10.3. I don't want to do a non-out-of-box install of PHP 4.3 IF it will be out-of-box in Panther.

What version of PHP exists in the current Panther builds?

Has Apple already announded if they will be upgrading PHP to 4.3 in final Panther?
You will like this then:
php -v gives

PHP 4.3.2 (cli) (built: Aug 17 2003 10:45:03)
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Zend Technologies

Did you install the PHP CLI seperately, or did they add that to Panther too?

Will the upgrade blow away my current httpd.conf like several previous upgrades did, or has Apple make the upgrade more Apache friendly?
Whenever I've done an upgrade in the past, if i notice that (my default homepage) isnt what it should be, i look in /etc/httpd/ and usually MY config file is renamed to something like httpd.conf.appleupdate or something similar. just delete the new httpd.conf and rename the old one. On a side note, do you know what version of apache will be shipping with Panther??
I did not install anything for PHP on this machine.
It is my powerbook and I normaly don't do any webserver stuff on it.
It was a clean panther install and the cli was on it.
They did also provide the apache mod, so that is totaly usable out of the box.

The httpd -v gives:

Server version: Apache/1.3.28 (Darwin)
Server built: Aug 17 2003 07:43:06

So still no apache 2.0