php.ini missing


well this is weird...

php is running. the says
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/lib

but this dir actually does not exist on my maschine.
i also can't locate a php.ini file.
guess i got a dist without it.

but how do i configure php now =???

thx for any help.
I wasn't the only one with this missing then!:D

This problem perplexed me for weeks, whilst trying to install User Authentification PHP scripts. Mine was missing too, though phpinfo was showing the root to the correct directory.

What I did was create the directory and copied the php.ini file from another machine (an XP machine with the same version PHP module 4.2.2).

As long as it hasn't been touched before hand, and you can get it from a reliable source, you can copy it.;)
hi uoba thx for the reply... well,
what i just did is
mkdir the missing lib dir.
create an empty php.ini

now, for my case i just put the line
register_globals = on
in the empty file and there it goes with this setting.


i am still wondering where the phpinfo() function gots the settings from...
I was wondering this myself, but I can only presume that it is just a standard statement issued for the users benefit, and that it probably isn't checking for it (which seems kinda obvious in our cases!;) )