PHP memory increase - how?


I'm trying to increase the memory allocation for php. My php.ini file (located at /usr/local/lib ) only has
register_globals = On

I have tried adding

memory_limit 30M

but this hasn't solved the problem. I have read that I can add this

php_admin_value memory_limit 30M

to my .htaccess file but I have no idea where this is! (I have enabled .htaccess files on my mac though).

To put the error into context, I am looking for a good off the shelf cms. I have downloaded typo3 but can't install it because of the memory problem. If I can't fix this problem, can you recommend any other php/mysql opensource cms apps.

I wish I could help, but I don't know squat about PHP right now. I just wanted to say that you'd probably get more people reading your post that know how to do that if you posted it in the "Web Development" category, instead of the "Mac Help" category, since this is more web development than Mac-specific.