PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D Drive Problem, Please Help

Si The Mac

Hi I recently encountered a problem with my drive not reading DVD's and spitting them back out at me, I found out I had to update the firmware and flash the drive I did this last night and it worked, see here....

./DVRFlash -vf PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D RB100011.141 RB100111.141

Reading firmware 'RB100011.141'...
firmware is of Kernel type (PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D 1.41 )
Reading firmware 'RB100111.141'...
firmware is of Normal type (PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D 1.41 )

Drive Information:
Description : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D
Firmware Rev : 1.08
Firmware Date : 05/07/20
Manufacturer : PIONEER
Drive is in normal mode.

Additional Drive Information:
Serial Number : EHDL010907WL
Interface type : ATA
DVR generation : 0011
Kernel type : GENERAL
Normal type : GENERAL
Kernel version : 0001

Status : RPC-2 (region locked)
Region : none
Changes : 5 region changes remaining
4 vendor resets remaining
state is 'Region not set'

Are you sure you want to flash this drive (y/n)?

Switching drive to Kernel mode:
Description : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110
Firmware Rev. : 0000
Firmware Date : 05/02/04
Manufacturer : PIONEER
Drive is now in Kernel mode

Now sending the Kernel part:
Now internal Kernel reflashing. Please wait... OK.

Now sending the Normal part:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
|============|============|============|========== ==|
Please hold your breath for about 30 seconds...

Now internal reflashing. Please wait... OK.

Updated Information:
Description : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-110D
Firmware Rev. : 1.41
Firmware Date : 06/04/17
Manufacturer : PIONEER

Flashing operation successful

cpc3-derb3-0-0-cust634:~/Desktop/DVRFLash Si$

But even after a re-boot and the update being succesfull it keeps spitting the DVD's out and now it's doing the same with CD's!!

What do I now have to do? I really need to get some important data from some DVD's.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try a CD/DVD laser lens cleaner. If that fails, get a 111 for $40 or so.

BTW, flashing couldn't address your problem. I don't understand why
folk think flashing firmware will solve a problem. It "just" adds an
enhancement or two.