Please help with keychains


Everytime i want to save a password on my g4 like in aim on mail i get a keychains screen that says enter ur keychain phrase or password and when i enter the only password for the g4 i have it says in the wrong password. I dont know what to do please help guys.
umm maybe captalization is the problem? I don't use keychains so I don't know if it is case sensative.
so did you give it a password to begin with and now its not working or you didn't give it any password. Maybe try pusing enter with a blank field or check to see if you are typing your pass in without the right capitalization.
If i try to just press enter it comes back saying wrong password. I dont ever remeber setting a password for it. I have tried to leave cap on and i tried it while off. Why does keychain want a password for?
Thanks to the finder help i fixed my annoying problem. I had to type a space then hit enter and then it just went in. Thanks for everyones help anyway.