Please post new hoaxes here. I'm tired of reading about iWalk.

Originally posted by julguribye
What about PowerPod? :D

Yay! Solar powered G4 clusters! I'll get one of those as soon as they hit the market, and the world shall be mine. Muahahaha.

Apple Branded Gamecube clone that can also play OSX compatible titles, DVDs, and Audio CDS (with a oncreen GUI ala iTunes on your TV)

$399 ;)
Originally posted by dlookus
nuff said.
Anyone have anything interesting?

I'm surprised that no one is talking about home entertainment now like they were last time.

Before the iPod, everyone was unconvinced that it would be a portable (pda or music). Everyone and their red headed step brother thought it would interface with stereo's and tv's.

Now that the iPod is out, everyone is all over handheld devices.

I'm guessing its not handheld at all. The market is saturated, they are expensive to produce, and therefore the profits are low.

I'm bet the surprises will be much heavier, and insist upon resting on shelves or desks.

I still think it would be badass to throw up visuals on the tv, and have an mp3 hub for your stereo. Control it from any airport connected computer, or the unit itself through a nifty wireless remote. also throw in a partnership with the new XM wireless satellite service.

I would love to have satellite radio that played on my computer. Put the a wireless(airport connected) satellite antennae up on your roof, and your computers have hundreds of radio stations to listen to. iTunes will record them and burn them, etc. etc. etc.

This is one step closer towards Apple being the center of the digital hub. I think a PDA is on the way, but a little bit too fringe for now. think central!

Originally posted by rinse

Apple Branded Gamecube clone that can also play OSX compatible titles, DVDs, and Audio CDS (with a oncreen GUI ala iTunes on your TV)

$399 ;)

Nice, but doubtful. The Gamecube uses proprietary CD's that are very small. This was a move to prevent pirates from copying the games. When's the last time you saw a CD-R that was 2 inches wide and could store 1GB of data?

This is also why the GC doesn't play DVD's right out of the box.

These small CD's would reek havok on all of our slot loading drives!!!

yes, but this is a thread for hoaxes, no? hence the iCube.

as a sidenote.... i got the gamecube for xmas from my wife and it seriously rocks!
I brought up the entertainment system thing in another thread.
I really like the idea of the mac doing overlays on a tv and using a remote with iTunes.
But rinse is right this is about hoaxes.
Maybe there should just be a thread for what people want apple to come out with.
I have it from a very reliable source that apple is going to unveil their secret partnership with beings from another planet. They will unveil incredible new technology that was previously believed impossible and is so far beyond our speculations that no none could possibly have guessed it. these beings have been watching us for decades and have chosen to work with apple because of the ways that BG and M$ have abused their positions. M$ will become equivalent to edsel in a few years. these beings were actually responsible for firewire, an obsolete technology (for them) that they shared as a test for apple. :D
Originally posted by rinse
yes, but this is a thread for hoaxes, no? hence the iCube.
Well, I guess you got me there.

as a sidenote.... i got the gamecube for xmas from my wife and it seriously rocks! [/B]

Yeah it does. Super Monkey Ball is one of my favorite games so far.
