PM 4 Ed

from where? That's the first time I actually stated my opinion about Herve's avatar. Technically, you couldn't know it before this thread.
Originally posted by ulrik
from where? That's the first time I actually stated my opinion about Herve's avatar. Technically, you couldn't know it before this thread.

really? hmmm... i musta hve confuzed you with someone else that stated they like herve's new avatar
people constantly get Ulrik and i confused. after all we have the same birthday and our avatars look so much alike. :D :rolleyes:
Ed: I think your avatar should have some transparency.

Herve: Are you trying to increase your post count with this thread?

Anyways, PM could mean Private Message and Public Message. :D
xoot - you think everybody's avatar should have transparency. sorry, but i like it like it is for this one. I wanted to know how to do transparency with my previous avatar. you are too late in arriving (can't save a drowning witch);)
he he

i was wondering if i would find you with that one:D

however i don't find burning witches to be a good idea and besides, who says that a witch has to be a her? :D

i may be moving to montana soon.:cool:
You clever Warlock you (notice the capitalization).

Ed, everybody knows if they float then they can only be a Witch. Ask Phil.

Yeppie tie oh tie yae!
Just finished with sleeping. The publicity on this site never ends. I just got a photo of an orange iMac. I thought it was a mandarine. If I saw the guitarstrings of the butterfly designed on it I will never play guitar again.
i doubt you can find a new grape one either. of course there are plenty of these pretty colored imacs for sale used. but you can probably buy a new indigo one for what they cost:p
Witches do float. "Science" has proven it. :D

Herve I'm beginning to think that you should trade your avatar for the electrocution guitar.:cool: