Problem moving to 10.1.5

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from any version of 10.1.x...the destination disk is dimmed, the comment is that the volume does not meet requirements.

The single requirement that the TIL has for a 10.1.x --> 10.1.5 update is that Security Update 7-18-02 is installed. This has been done.

I'm currently stuck on 10.1.4, and would appreciate any theories on what might be causing the problem.

I have a G3 Series Powerbook 233/20GB/320MB/512K cache/2MB VRAM

I suppose the main reason I'd like the 1.5 update is the Quartz text rendering in browsers such as IE & Chimera. That'd be nice, since Omniweb is pretty slow on this machine.


I took out the original drive a couple a weeks ago and put in a Travelstar 20GB, formatted the drive into 2 partitions, with the first partition under 8 GB as they demand for certain older Macs, and installed OS X 10.1 without problems.

After the security update 07-18-02, I attempted to install the 10.1.5 Combined update. No go.

So I used a copy of the 10.1.3 (Combined) update, then a 10.1.4 update, then tried the 10.1.5 update. No go.

So, the short answer is, I have enough space on the drive...:D
Are you trying to use a previously downloaded 10.1.5 update? If you are connected to internet, go to terminal and type softwareupdate (no spaces!) Does the 10.1.5 update show here? If so, you must use a more recently downloaded file, has to do with that security update, almost all previously available files can't be used.
I am using an old updater...I'll try the new 10.1.5 updater when I can DL it in one session. (That might be a while)

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