Problem with apps quitting


I have a dual 1 ghz processor G4 system which originally shipped with OS 9.2 and OS X 10.1. Running apps (Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark, etc) in classic mode under that configuration, I would often encounter memory errors and my apps would quit. After increasing the memory requirements, the problem occured less often, but still happened from time to time.
I recently upgraded to Jaguar 10.2.3 and now 10.2.4 and the problem only seems to be worse. Photoshop (along with most other apps I utilize) will shut down out of the blue. I'm not really sure, but it doesn't seem that I can adjust the memory settings for my individual apps like I could in 9.2. Also, attempting to print will often result in the application quitting as well.

Any body else struggling with these issues??
Help us out digiworks, are you still running these applications in classic mode? (meaning you startup in X but run then start up os9 and tun them? Or are you running some in osx? Photoshop and Illustrator both have versions released that operate directly from OSX, Quark is still an OS9 only application.
One of the big selling points for Mac OS X before it was released was its automatic memory allocation scheme, whereby the system determines how much RAM an app needs and if it runs low, it automatically whips up some Virtual Memory. This is why you can't determine the amount of RAM you give to your Carbon/Cocoa apps.

Also, printer support is flaky at best under the new OS, so you might be better off printing after booting into 9. As for your apps quitting, send a missive to Apple's tech support (I don't think this is a memory issue but a corruption issue). You may be better off working in 9 anyway.
OS X does manage virtual memory very well. In fact, I leave some oft used programs open all the time because they pop up fast when I need them. It also allows programs to dynamically allocate memory, that is, to ask for memory whenever they need it.

It's no longer necessary to worry about how much memory an app has been given. Just make sure your Mac has at least 256 megs for decent performance. The more the better.

I remember vaguely reading about applications quitting unexpectedly. Hopefully someone can help you troubleshoot the cause better than I can.

I will say (type?) that what you describe is NOT normal OS X behavior. I rarely have problems with applications crashing, and printing in Jaguar is excellent on my Lexmark Z52.

Good luck.

Remember, Doug, the issue is CLASSIC applications quitting frequently. Classic does not have access to the advanced memory and processor features of X, so it is prone to everything under the 9.