Ok I had this problem for a while too. I found a solution that works for me - but I use stereo bluetooth headsets, but I think it's gonna work out the same. I haven't bought Leopard yet - I think it may be better in Leopard with the new Bluetooth profile it supports - but IMO Apple blows for not supporting better audio bluetooth. I mean really, no audio bluetooth on the ipod???? I really want to like apple - and I like a lot of stuff thye've done - but they're lack of support for BT - when they're supposed to be cutting edge with they're ipods - makes we want to tell Jobs pull his head out of his A$$. Oh well I'm done raving. Here's your solution:
go here:
go about 3/4 way down and follow these instructions - it works - I'm listening to pandora /youtube right now on my iTech r.35 bt headphones:
asae said...
iMac007, no need to use Jack anymore,let me help resummarize the latest how-to. Don't include the numbers (1.,2. ..) in the command you type on terminal, its just to show the orders of the command you need in the terminal.
First, 2 files needed,
a. a2dpcastAudioDevice.tgz:
b. the updated a2dpcast:
Then run terminal from Application/Utilities/terminal and install the kernel extension for the audio device (replace DOWNLOAD_DIR with the path to where your browser downloads stuff to) - you need your admin password to do sudo:
1. cd /
2. sudo tar xfzp DOWNLOAD_DIR/a2dpcastAudioDevice.tgz --same-owner
3. sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AudioReflectorDriver.kext
Copy a2dpcast to /usr/local/bin (replace A2DPEXTRACTDIR with the path to where your extracted the downloaded a2dpcast-0.3.zip) - you need your admin password to do sudo:
1. sudo cp A2DPEXTRACTDIR/a2dpcast-0.3/a2dpcast /usr/local/bin
Run a2dpcast with your Bluetooth address
1. /usr/local/bin/a2dpcast aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff 27
Keep a2dpcast running, leave the terminal open, then run whatever program that you want, the sound will be streamed automatically to your headset. Again, do not close the terminal until you have enough enjoying your bluetooth headset
Hope this helps.