Quark CEO at MacWorld SF


A little diversion courtesy of Crazy Apple Rumors alluding to Fred Ebrahimi's recent comments:

(Quark CEO Fred Ebrahimi, looking for the men's room, accidentally stumbles into Macworld SF)

Ebrahimi: Gah! What the hell is this? Macs?! Stupid Macs! How did I get in here? Where's my personal assistant? Where's my entourage? What are you looking at?! Get out of my way! Give me that! It's mine now! Understand? If you don't like it, then get out of my face! Stupid Mac users! Why don't you people use Windows like everyone else? What is this? This is stupid! You're stupid! Everyone's stupid except me! GAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
(Storming about the expo floor, Ebrahimi kicks over vendor booths, cracks the displays on two 12" PowerBooks and pushes a 10-year-old girl to the ground. Finally, Moscone Center security arrives and surveys the situation. After several minutes of consultation with IDG officials, Animal Control is called in. Ebrahimi is shot several times with tranquilizer darts until he collapses in a heap behind a row of iMacs. He is tagged and released in the lobby where he wakes up several hours later, remembering nothing of the incident.)
You missed something. I believe he also slammed an 82 year old woman agains a wall and tripped on her oxygen tank. :D
I'm beginning to think that Fred's holding up OSX Xpress deliberately because he's sulking over what people say about him!:D