Question on iPOD battery life

Michiel tenKate

I have questions/remarks about battery life of the iPod. I own an iMac (G4) and have my iPod connected to it. Several things I have noted about the iPod, its battery life, the battery meter and the way it is connected to my Mac.
1. Every time I start my Mac and I have the iPod docked in its docking station, the battery starts charging all anew (even if the battery is already fully charged). When I undock the iPod right after aforementioned start of the Mac, the battery is completely empty and has to run a full cycle of charging. I guess when doing this frequently, this does not enhance the life of the battery.
Even on simple mobile telephones, when connecting to the mains, one gets a ' warning' if the battery is already full!
So I guess Apple needs to rework its battery mgt. software!
2. Battery life in general: Apple claims a runtime of 8 hours per charge. I have never made that time. Also here Apple seriously needs to look at its battery mgt. software
Has anyone else experienced this same phenomenon?
3. The battery meter is not accurate. See comment above.
Would appreciate feedback if anyone else has experienced similar events.
i've a 2nd gen iPod; I've gotten close to 8 hours in the past. since it's about 2 yrs old, i've not tested its limits but i've gotten 6.5 recently.