QuickLook (controller) appearance


hi all,

searching the forums didn't answer my question, so now i'd like to try your all-knowing wisdom…

ever since leaving Tiger when switching to Leopard (long time ago..) i've really missed the simple Quicktime contoller you would find in the Finders' preview-column or inspector- and info-window.

it was replaced by a 'play' and 'stop' icon. the playhead/timeline with scrubbing option had gone.

i know that now we have QuickLook, and you can get a timeline/playhead with scrubbing option in the QuickLook window (⌘+space).

Nevertheless, i switched to snow leopard in the mean time, but i'm still wondering if there is a way to get back the old-fashioned Quicktime controller in the Finders' column-view/info-window?

Finder Column-view
left: how it is now, right: what i'd like to have back

The Finder ⌥⌘+I window (info) how i prefer it..

thanks alot!
