Quicktime applescript ??


From an Applescript novice... Using a "MacAddict" article as a guide I made an application with Applescript that has Safari open my 4 favorite web sites.

I would like to add to this script. I would like to open Quicktime to start the NPR live newscast stream (or any other).

All attempts so far open QT 5 in Classic instead of 6. No attempt has opened the stream.

Anyone care to tackle this???
Yup, that does the trick. However, The stream is still opening in QT5 (Classic) rather than QT6.

How do I get around this?

I can't seem to find any solutiuon in System Preferences or QT Prefs.
Hum...there should be someway to change your default version of QuickTime. I'm not sure though, i'll look around and let you know if something comes up.

[EDIT: Are you sure you have only the copy of quicktime 6 installed?]
I have QT 6.1 Pro, which works fine the rest of the time. When I open .mov or .mpg files they open in Jaguar. Classic (installed on a separate hard disk) has a copy of QT 5.0.2. This is the QT Player that opens when I try to run this new script. (Should I just delete that QT on the Classic Drive?!?)

I have adapted the script you recommended to use RealPlayer instead of QuickTime, so I accomplished what I set out to do. It sure would be nice to solve the QT snafu though.

Thanks for the help!