RAM, external HD and itunes


Hi guys

I have as some of you might know bought a new 120 gig Buffalo external HD and I have moved all my music to it and also some videos and such to free up my internal HD of data. I would like to know if it is possible to view all the mp3 files in the itunes window instead of having to click on a mp3 in the external HD and then have it appear in the itunes window.

One more thing, my Mac (G4 flat screen running osx 10.3.8 256mb ram) seems to Beachball a lot in recent months and im thinking after viewing a lot of threads on this forum that I dont have enough RAM, is this correct?

I Made a thread earlier about RAM but this thread was very vauge on my part and I would like to ask some more direct questions:

Is it easy to install yourself, I saw some picture guides and it seems easy enough, anyone on here done it themselves?

Any paticular brands of RAM or any to avoid, also do they run problem free, as I have seen some threads where RAM is not recognized when it has been installed and various other problems. Do you guys reccomend self installing over profesional installment.

Thanks again guys I look forward to your answers and advice.
about iTunes; have you changed your iTunes Music Folder after you moved all your mp3's to the external HD? if not, this might make them appear. just go into the prefs of iTunes -> advanced menu -> change the location of iTunes Music Folder to the folder where you have you mp3's. they should be automaticly imported when you launch itunes the next time.
if you play around a bit with the settings in the menu, you will figure out that iTunes have a nice way of sorting your mp3's into folders, subfolders and subsubfolders if you want it to. it all depends on the information you give the songs when you go "apple-i" when you've highlighted a song inside iTunes. this accesses the mp3-tag, from wich itunes sorts your songs, if you like it to.

concerning RAM, i think you might wanna look into getting another stick. getting another 256 would help, but if you go 512 or maybe even more you would find yourself with a completely other experience. mac os x really runs best on 512MB or more.
when it comes to putting it in, i don't really know about the G4 iMac. but RAM in general seems to be quite simple, and there are alot of tutorials out there. there should be one for your machine aswell, with pics and step-by-step instructions..
maybe somebody could be nice and provide you a link.

and yeah; if you can buy your RAM online you will probably see the best prices. www.crucial.com seems to be a link which always comes across in threads where RAM is being discussed. they have a really simple interface, where you find what RAM suits your machine by going trough 3 steps, maufacturer(apple) -> model(iMac) -> specific model(G4 x00)

their RAM seems to be very reliable, and if there is something wrong with it they will gladly send you a replacement. the deliver worldwide, as far as i know, and since they have offices in both the US and europe(at least) you don't have to worry about additinal taxes/customs fees.. go have a look.

hope it helps!
Thanks muchfully!!

You guys rule and im so not worthy, but seriously thanks a bunch for the info. I just dont wanna make a mistake in buying crap products and such, thankyou again. ::love::
Yeap. RAM makes a big difference when running OS X. It just doesn't ever seem to have enough RAM and regardless of how much you have, it'll be used up. Which is great as unused RAM is wasted RAM.
I did change the location of my itunes folder to my external HD but I still have to go into the External HD to click on the tunes for them to appear in the itunes window. I havent tried clicking on all 40 gigs worth of music to get them into the itunes window but I think if I do that then when I log back on they will still be there. Is there any better way?