I've just decided to get back into making strange noises (music) with my Mac and have hit a problem.
My RCA ports seem to be getting ignored by OS X.
Back in the day on OS 8.6 I used to pipe my Roland MC-303 through my Mac into my stereo (303 out to mac RCA in / mac RCA out to stereo RCA in). This meant I could either play it on its own or with Cubase without the need to swap leads about all the time.
I don't seem to be able to do this any more!
I've done a few searches in the usual places and can't find any help on this subject (which surprised me - am I missing something?)
Has OS X dropped support for old G3 RCA ports - I have the very old AV G3 300mhz (beige model)?
My RCA ports seem to be getting ignored by OS X.
Back in the day on OS 8.6 I used to pipe my Roland MC-303 through my Mac into my stereo (303 out to mac RCA in / mac RCA out to stereo RCA in). This meant I could either play it on its own or with Cubase without the need to swap leads about all the time.
I don't seem to be able to do this any more!
I've done a few searches in the usual places and can't find any help on this subject (which surprised me - am I missing something?)
Has OS X dropped support for old G3 RCA ports - I have the very old AV G3 300mhz (beige model)?