Replacing batteries in Bluetooth mice and keyboards


I am thinking of purchasing a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. However, before I do, I have a question. From what I read on this forum and other Bluetooth forums, I see that the batteries in both Bluetooth mice and Bluetooth keyboards have to be replaced often (two to three weeks). My question is how hard is it to replace the batteries on these devices? Can the batteries be replaced easily? I ask this because I have the use of only one hand due to a stroke. Judging from your experiences, will I be able to replace the batteries with one hand?

I would much rather go with Bluetooth, however, I am wondering if I should go wireless instead of with Bluetooth since the batteries in wireless devices do not have to be changed that often.
I have the Logitech MX700 wireless, great mouse. The Logitech wireless keyboard also works great. I wouldn't buy something I had to change batteries in all the time. Mine are rechargeable. Just put back in the Dock. My mouse is over a year old, same batteries.