Notorious Olive Counter
Has anyone else noted this?
I have my computer set to require a password to wake up from sleep or from the screensaver (security settings in system preferences), and yet I can leave my computer for hours, come back, wiggle the mouse, and it just wakes up without my having to enter a password.
This is not 100% reliable - maybe one time in five it does ask me for a password. And we're talking about stepping away for a long time, usually eight hours or more.
Some possibly relevant settings: I have the computer set to go to sleep after 20 minutes, to put the display to sleep after 5 minutes, and the screensaver is set to never kick in. It's a Blue and White G3, OS 10.3.6; a fresh install from the 10.3 CD about two or three weeks ago, then upgraded all at once (well, it took a couple of reboots to get everything up to date)
I haven't tried setting the screensaver time shorter than the sleep time, I'll look into that.
So - should I submit a bug report to Apple (and where do I do this, anyone have a link handy?), or is this a known issue?
I have my computer set to require a password to wake up from sleep or from the screensaver (security settings in system preferences), and yet I can leave my computer for hours, come back, wiggle the mouse, and it just wakes up without my having to enter a password.
This is not 100% reliable - maybe one time in five it does ask me for a password. And we're talking about stepping away for a long time, usually eight hours or more.
Some possibly relevant settings: I have the computer set to go to sleep after 20 minutes, to put the display to sleep after 5 minutes, and the screensaver is set to never kick in. It's a Blue and White G3, OS 10.3.6; a fresh install from the 10.3 CD about two or three weeks ago, then upgraded all at once (well, it took a couple of reboots to get everything up to date)
I haven't tried setting the screensaver time shorter than the sleep time, I'll look into that.
So - should I submit a bug report to Apple (and where do I do this, anyone have a link handy?), or is this a known issue?