Restore without a cd??


My school issued us Ibook G4's for the year and I need to get admin access. I dont have the cd and we are running on tiger. The thing is, I seen someone go in the open firmware window and did some command to "restore" the laptop. I mean by that is it goes through the proccess like you just bought the laptop, letting you set up a admin account. I need to know how to do this.
Let me get this staight...
You are asking for assitance to help you HACK into an iBook that does not belong to you.
You want to gain admin rights so you can OVERIDE the set of rules that your school feels are all you need to do your school work with.

Am I close?

Or maybe you have some other really VALID reasons for needing admin rights?
*I*'d say, it sounds _exactly_ like he wants to do just that, jbarley...

If you have a _valid_ reason, just go to your school's system administrator. He might help you.
I wouldnt call this hacking, for one this isnt illegal, for two I just want to make it so I can go on the net at my house, and if I dont have admin i cant do that, I mean cmon this isnt serious or anything.
I think what they're saying is that there's a reason the school didn't give students administrator rights on the machines. Asking for help on how to elevate your privileges or circumvent passwords is usually not considered. The fact that it may not be breaking any laws doesn't matter.

I don't think you'll get help with your issue here.
High Schoolers to Face Felony Charges over Internet Downloads
by Brendan Coyne (bio)

Aug 11, 2005 - More than a dozen students at a Pennsylvania high school are facing felony charges after allegedly violating school rules on downloading programs and other uses of laptops provided to the children through a new initiative.

The Kutztown Area High School students allegedly bypassed security measures on school-provided laptop computers, allowing them to download instant messenger programs, music and even, in one case, pornography, the Morning Call reported on August 1.

At least thirteen students reportedly stand accused of violating rules supposedly agreed to upon receipt of the computers. In a May 31 letter, law enforcement officials notified parents of the alleged perpetrators that the children were being charged with "Computer Trespass," a third degree felony.

The letter notified parents that the children "must present themselves in a timely manner to the arresting police department for the purposes of fingerprinting and identification."
