ziess Registered Jul 1, 2004 #1 Yup, the title says it all. I, for some reason, can't fix disk permissions on my 700Mhz eMac (Mac OS X.2.8) - the options are greyed out in disk utility - so if anyone could tell me how to do it with terminal that would be great! Cheers.
Yup, the title says it all. I, for some reason, can't fix disk permissions on my 700Mhz eMac (Mac OS X.2.8) - the options are greyed out in disk utility - so if anyone could tell me how to do it with terminal that would be great! Cheers.
michaelsanford Translator, Web Developer Jul 3, 2004 #3 That's actually really useful, it should be a how-to. With the way OS X has been handling permissions, I think most people should add this to a daily cron routine... [sneakily]watch 10.4 do exactly that, à la fix_prebinding[/sneakily]
That's actually really useful, it should be a how-to. With the way OS X has been handling permissions, I think most people should add this to a daily cron routine... [sneakily]watch 10.4 do exactly that, à la fix_prebinding[/sneakily]